Monday, May 18, 2009

Finally an update...

Monte' was throwing Kaeden up in the one's a little blury but I love the look on his face! The other is him in his cute lil jammies that say "Daddy is my hero"

Kaeden is almost a year!! He started crawling at the beginning of his 9th month but only did so for about 2.5 weeks then he took off walking a week before he turned 10months. Needless to say he is running now and into everything. He has 2 teeth on the bottom which have been there almost a month now. I was afraid he wasn't going to have any by a year old! He says several words like, bubbles, mah (more) which he says when he's eating, uh oh, mama, dada, bah (ball), deter (jester, our daycare lady's dog) and dahtr-water (usually when I give him his sippy cup)

I'm already beginning to watch my language because I have a feeling he is going to repeat everything! I'm sure there will be some humerous moments of letting one slip out.

They're Magically Delicious!!

Kaeden is 11months in these pics. He got into the lazy susan and pulled out some cereal. I guess he was hungry. He's got good taste...mommy loves lucky charms too!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Acting silly...

Kaeden was acting so funny on this day...what a little comedian. Now that he knows how to yank off his socks (& his hat) he does it all the time & thinks it is funny.
He isn't crawling yet....he will go from sitting to all fours and kind of rock & go backwards a little bit. He does slide really well on his but and will go across the room just inching forward on his bum. He actually prefers to stand and take steps w/assistance rather than be on the floor...who knows maybe he'll skip crawling.

Cutie Patootie!!!

Just a cute pic of our little fella after his bath...what a sweetie.

Sooooo Big!!

Kaeden is 8 1/2 months now and loves to stand. As you can see in the one photo he has started to let go and stand on his own...shaky legs & all.
His favorite pass time is standing at the coffee table and clearing all of the stuff off of it. He is our own lil' paper shredder. We just started putting him in his walker & he loves it! He cruises around so well in it (frontwards & backwards!)
Lately he wants you to take his hands and walk around with him all the time. He has started to take steps on his own with his little walk behind toy but you have to be close by because he still loses his balance occasionally and will fall....which has led to a few bumps & bruises but he's pretty tough and usually only fusses when mommy lets out her big gasps!
(It's not my fault I inherited it from my mother)
the queen of the gasp! :-)

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Who needs to eat when you have all these fun toys to play with!

Kaeden loves his highchair that Aunt Jenny & her mom Beth got him. He likes the little tree than spins around & plays music. It's great for entertaining him while I'm trying to get things done. He has starting drinking water out of a sippy cup and seems to like it. He still won't eat babyfood but we have started giving him some other things like toast, plain pasta and potatoes. I think he just wants to eat what we eat. I had a pickle the other day and he was acting like he wanted it sooo I put it in his mouth and....he actually liked it! He did give a little pucker face but then continued to suck on it. I should have taken a picture.

What a big boy!

Kaeden's new favorite thing to do is stand....he can't quite pull himself up yet but he tries. He can stand for 10-15minutes but I still have to be right there because sometimes he'll just let go & fall. He gets this big smile and giggles a ton, he thinks he is so cool.